PE and Sport Premium

PE and Sport Premium Funding

Great Ouse Primary Academy (GOPA) offers a broad and balanced Physical Education (PE) curriculum and various extra-curricular sports clubs. As part of the Olympic legacy, the government has provided additional funding in order to improve the provision of PE and Sport in Primary Schools. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to schools to be spent on improving the quality of PE and Sport for all their children.

We believe in a holistic approach to the development of sport and physical activity for all and encourage collaboration and partnership working to make the best use of resources and enhance PE and Sport provision in order to raise participation and achievement for all pupils. We are also conscious of the challenge of a new school with smaller than average numbers to use our PE and Sport Premium money effectively to encourage participation in school in this academic year and beyond. To that end, we will:

  • benefit all children regardless of sporting ability
  • ensure the most able children are given the opportunity to compete in tournaments with other schools
  • ensure staff have access to training opportunities and Continued Professional Development (CPD)
  • subsidise some activities so that pupils do not miss out due to financial constraints e.g. swimming

With the above rationale in mind, we use the Sports Premium funding to:

Employ a qualified sport coach to work alongside our teaching and support staff to support teachers in their teaching of PE. This investment in the professional development of staff at our school is to ensure that they are best equipped to teach high quality PE and school sport for years to come. The use of sports coaches also allows a more targeted approach during PE lessons in order to improve the quality and outcomes of the lessons for all children.

Buy in to a package of support provided by Bedford and Kempston and North Bedfordshire School Sport Partnerships which provides continual professional development for staff, inter-school competition and extra-curricular activities. This support is of particular benefit to PE Subject Leaders as it provides a means of feeding back industry best practise in order to inform and guide decision making of the school’s PE action plan.

Continue to monitor the schemes of work used to support planning. We use the Cambridgeshire Scheme to guide planning and then adapt these to suit the particular needs of the children. Provided additional after school extra-curricular sports clubs per term ensuring a range of different sports are offered for all age groups.

Provide lunchtime clubs each week in order to target children who have not engaged in after school clubs as well as training staff to maximise the lunchtime period and wrap around care to support games and exercise.

Increase the amount of competitive sport in which our children participate - running inter-school sport competitions within our MAT and School Sport Partnerships and increasing pupils’ participation. We run intra-school PE Focus Days. Events are put on across all year groups.

Develop a sports leadership strategy with training and support for our PE and Sports champion teachers from the Trust to enable our more able, gifted and talented children to develop their sporting skills. Provide targeted intervention for children who need additional support in developing their key movements. Send staff on external courses in order to develop their professional CPD.

Purchase equipment to offer access to new sports and physical activities


As a result of our PE and Sport Premium funding, we have managed to improve the overall impact of PE/Sport and participation in school. We have continued to provide a greater diversity and number of extra-curricular sports for the children to choose from, in addition to offering a greater number of places. Holding lunchtime clubs has helped increase overall participation due to the many issues some children had with getting to after school clubs. A greater number of children now attend an extra-curricular club. The drop off rate is very low.

The profile of PE/Sport in school has been raised. We regularly celebrate successes in Newsletters, Noticeboards and through Social Media. Sport is also celebrated weekly during school assemblies. We have also been able to provide a wider variety of sports in school and at after-school clubs, enabling pupils to learn and try out new skills. More children have taken part in competitive inter-school competitions and all children have taken part in intra-school competitions including Sport's Day.

We continue to invest in the use of qualified sports coaches to support lessons in terms of helping to provide high quality lessons as well as helping to develop our teacher’s confidence and skill set. The impact of this has been improved outcomes for the children. We have been able to target children with personalised plans where necessary. 

Teacher and support staff confidence levels and CPD has improved because of the funding.

GOPA is very mindful of the impact of PE and Sport regarding pupil wellbeing and mental health, particularly as a result of missed school and the impact of Covid-19. Using this funding to target this area will be a priority during 2021-22 and beyond.

For the full 2019-20 report click here.

For the full 2020-21 report click here.

For the full 2021-22 report click here.




Welcome to Great Ouse Primary Academy

Welcome and thank you for your interest in our school. Great Ouse Primary Academy is a school that thinks and dreams big for its pupils. Expectations are high for all who make up the Great Ouse Primary Academy community and these standards reflect the wonderful physical environment we have developed to enable children to flourish within and beyond the school walls. We are committed to developing learners who are: resilient, focused, aspirational in their goals as well a being prepared to be successful citizens of the 21st century.

Great Ouse Primary Academy opened as a brand-new primary academy in September 2017 and is a proud member of the Meridian Trust. The school is a named feeder school for Lincroft Academy and Sharnbrook Academy. The school is a bright, modern and inspiring learning environment with up-to-date technology and vibrant teaching and learning spaces for our pupils and staff.

We believe that the school absolutely belongs to our community of children, staff, parents and carers. We urge you to actively support and be involved in the school. It is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to be part of something special.

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”
(Martin Luther King, Jr)


Chris Payne

