
The Curriculum

Great Ouse Primary Academy is organised into three phases of education by age. Each day at school comprises of the Core Curriculum (Maths, English, Science, and ICT/Computing) in the morning and the Foundation Curriculum in the afternoon.

Full Curriculum Maps can be found here.

Phase 1 (Reception and Year 1 and 2: EYFS and KS1)

Children in Reception are taught from the Early Years Foundation Curriculum and Year 1 children from the National Curriculum. The Reception children are taught by a fully qualified Early Years Teacher and are supported by a trained EYFS teaching assistant. The aim of Phase 1 is to settle children into school life as quickly as possible, supporting them to become autonomous and independent learners, who are calm, kind and considerate to others. There is a focus on teaching every child to read, alongside rigorous teaching of the other core subjects. Our aim is to address quickly any differences in children’s early experiences through high-quality teaching and targeted support, so that all children are able to play an active part in school life.

We hope that Phase 1 days will be full of excitement, awe and wonder as the children learn about the world and develop their own interests.

Phase 2 (Years 3 and 4: Lower KS2)

By the end of Phase 2 we hope that all of the children will be committed learners, with the necessary core skills to access a rich and challenging curriculum and the curiosity to extend their learning.

All Phase 2 children have the opportunity for small-group music tuition. We hope that the great majority will take advantage of the enrichment activities we offer, staying later at school each day to follow their interests and discover new activities.

Phase 3 (Years 5 and 6: Upper KS2)

We continue to strive for the highest possible outcomes for children’s achievement right across the curriculum. Our aim is for every child to be ready for secondary school by the end of the phase, demonstrate outstanding progress from Key Stage 1 to 2 and achieve outstanding Key Stage 2 results.

Every child will be able to communicate clearly and lucidly, both orally and through their writing. Phase 3 children have the opportunity to read and study great literature, encountering ideas and concepts beyond their current experience. The children are taught to think and reason mathematically, applying their fluency in Maths to solve a range of abstract and real-life problems. The challenging and motivating curriculum at Great Ouse Primary Academy enables every child to become well-rounded and interested in both their learning and the wider world beyond school.  We intend that children in Phase 3 will have specialist teachers for English, Mathematics, Music, MFL, Science and PE.

During Phase 3, liaison commences with our feeder/partner Cambridge Meridian Academies Trust (CMAT) Secondary Schools, to ensure all academic and pastoral needs are met enabling children to “hit the ground running” on entry at Year 7.

Children requiring extra support to make the transition to secondary school will have personalised transition programmes implemented to address individual needs.

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Curriculum Map Overview Power Up Progression
Year 1 Maths Curriculum Map Year 1 Yearly Overview Year 1 Power Up Progression
Year 2 Maths Curriculum Map Year 2 Yearly Overview Year 2 Power Up Progression
Year 3 Maths Curriculum Map Year 3 Yearly Overview Year 3 Power Up Progression
Year 4 Curriculum Map Year 4 Yearly Overview Year 4 Power Up Progression
  Year 5 Yearly Overview Year 5 Power Up Progression
  Year 6 Yearly Overview  Year 6 Power Up Progression



Welcome to Great Ouse Primary Academy

Welcome and thank you for your interest in our school. Great Ouse Primary Academy is a school that thinks and dreams big for its pupils. Expectations are high for all who make up the Great Ouse Primary Academy community and these standards reflect the wonderful physical environment we have developed to enable children to flourish within and beyond the school walls. We are committed to developing learners who are: resilient, focused, aspirational in their goals as well a being prepared to be successful citizens of the 21st century.

Great Ouse Primary Academy opened as a brand-new primary academy in September 2017 and is a proud member of the Meridian Trust. The school is a named feeder school for Lincroft Academy and Sharnbrook Academy. The school is a bright, modern and inspiring learning environment with up-to-date technology and vibrant teaching and learning spaces for our pupils and staff.

We believe that the school absolutely belongs to our community of children, staff, parents and carers. We urge you to actively support and be involved in the school. It is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to be part of something special.

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”
(Martin Luther King, Jr)


Chris Payne

